Sewer rats immune to poison ‘ready to invade London homes’
Londoners could be confronted by mutant sewer rats in their home, with recent heavy rain reportedly forcing them to seek shelter.
The rodents have already caused havoc in rural places by accessing lofts and warm areas in properties, according to News Shopper.
The rats, which have reportedly mutated to be immune to the majority of poisons, could now be ready to surface in the capital, with heavy downpours predicted over the next few days.
Pest controller Rentokil says the vermin are looking for somewhere dry to stay.‘Rodents have also had to abandon their homes as rivers overflow their banks, sewers flood and allotments, parks and other grounds become waterlogged,’ it said.
A spokeswoman for the British Pest Control Association confirmed calls to exterminators had increased.Sewer rats can measure up to 10 inches long and weigh 350g, with a couple able to produce 200 babies in 12 months.