Donkill Pest Solutions - Doncaster Pest Control
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Professional Pest Control
Bee Control in Doncaster

Bee Problems in Doncaster, South Yorkshire
There are many different species of Bees including subspecies of Honey Bee, Bumble Bee, Masonary Bee etc. Some nest in colonies others are solitary. The main bees that could be a problem are Honey Bees and Bumble Bees.
The bees you normally see outside the nest or hive are the ‘workers’ and they tend not to be aggressive, unless they feel threatened.
Bees are normally associated with bee hives, but they can also nest in places such as tree roots, dirt banks or in holes behind loose masonry. The easiest way to locate a nest is to trace the route of the ‘worker’ bees as they fly to and from the nest or hive. The greatest risk from a bee is their sting which can be very painful, but for some people a sting can lead to a very serious medical reaction called anaphylactic shock.
Bee Swarms
Bees can swarm in 100s or 1000s as they move home and this can been mistaken for a nest. The Bees will gather round the queen protecting her as she sends out worker bees to find a new nest site. Once shes happy the swarm will move on. This is usually within a few days. The swarm could be on the side of your home or in a tree or bush, infact anywhere! If you see a swarm, keep away and give them chance to move on. If they are a problem, you could call your local Bee Keeper as they might collect the swarm for their hive.
If you have a nest in or around your property
Avoid wearing perfumes and bright coloured clothing.
Remove or cover all food sources.
Keep yourself & others at a safe distance from any nest.
Close windows, doors or ventilation points.
Do not attempt to swat the bee as they will normally only attack if they feel threatened.
Keep still and allow the bee to fly around you. Once it realises that you are not a flower it will move on.
If someone is stung take initial first aid steps and consult their GP or NHS Direct.
Call a Pest Control Technician or your local beekeeper for advice
Pest Control Treatment for Bees Nests
Trying to tackle a Bees nest can be extremely dangerous and should be left to professionals!
As we understand how important our bee colonies are to our wildlife and countryside, we will not treat Bees unless they are a danger to someones health. We can remove or treat bees where there is a creditable danger or risk to health, such as:
The Nest is situated close to a frequently used doorway or window
The Bees are finding their way into your house/property due to the close proximity of the Nest (i.e. in the wall cavity)
The Nest is situated in a building used by children (e.g. school, nursery or playgroup),
The Nest is situated in the home of someone allergic to their sting
Or any other area that could be classed as dangerous to health.
On arrival, our technician will:
Establish the location of the bees nest/s and see if they are a danger to health
Determine the most appropriate method for access and treatment (if needed).
Brief you of our findings and recommended next steps.
Ensure the safety of others.
Wear their protective equipment and commence with the nest removal or treatment (if needed)
Ensure the area is left safe and provide a written report.
Donkill Pest Solutions deal with Bee problems in and around Doncaster, so if you would like a free pest control survey please contact us on 07443476749 or 0843 523 0537 (Our fee for Destroying a Bees Nest is £45 to £50)
It is important to remember that bees should not normally be considered a pest and in many cases the situation can be resolved by allowing the bees to move on, or by contacting an authorised bee keeper.
(Free site surveys are subject to availability and are not to identify if you have a infestation in the first place (this can be mostly be done over the telephone))