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Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientalis)
In general, cockroaches are tropical and live outdoors. However, 25 species are found in close association with humans. Of these, the Oriental cockroach is of great public importance. Like other cockroach species, Oriental cockroaches undergo gradual metamorphosis with three distinct stages, including egg, nymph and adult.
The female produces an egg capsule, or ootheca, that is blackish-brown in colour. Approximately 16 eggs are laid in the egg capsule, arranged in two rows of eight eggs each. An average of at least 14 eggs can hatch per egg capsule. The female may deposit up to 18 egg capsules, with an average of eight per female.
Generally, egg capsules are deposited in places where food is readily available. Eggs hatch in about two months. Newly emerged nymphs are very light, but later change to a reddish- to blackish-brown colour.
Adults are glossy, with a dark reddish to blackish-brown colour. The adult females may live from 34 to 181 days.
What do cockroaches eat and where do they live?
Oriental roaches are omnivorous, but they prefer to feed on starchy foods. They are less wary and more sluggish than other cockroaches. Their ideal habitat temperatures range from about 68 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They are typically found in dark, damp basements, areas between soil and the foundation, underneath pavements, in sewer pipes, floor drains and any other cool, moist place.
What harm can they do?
Oriental cockroaches are important pests in residences, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, cruise ships, warehouses and many other places where sufficient food and water are available. They are of public health importance because they can mechanically transmit pathogenic organisms such as salmonella, and are a source of powerful allergens.caster pest control doncaster pest control doncaster pest control doncaster pest control doncaster pest control
Donkill Pest Solutions deal with all Cockroach problems, so if you would like a free survey please contact us on
0843 523 0537 or 07443476749
(Free site surveys are subject to availability and are not to identify if you have a infestation in the first place (this can be mostly be done over the telephone))